Informações Pessoais

Nome completo: *

E-mail principal: *

Telefone/celular: *

Cidade: *


1. What is your full name? *

2. Where are you from? *

3. What are you doing at this moment? *

4. When and where were you born? *

5. How long have you been studying? *

6. What do you like about studying English? *

7. What don't you like about studying English? *

8. Write three or four lines about your daily routine: *

9. Write three or four lines about your life five years ago. *

10. Write about things that have changed in your personal or professional life in the last years. *

11. What will happen to you if your English improves a lot? *

12. You will interview a famous soccer player. Ask him about his:

Present situation in his team: *

Past difficulties: *

How he sees success: *

What he plans to do when he retires: *

His obligations: *

His plans: *